Sign Up to Get Fit
photo of happy runners


Register for Couch to 5K.

Sorry, we're either in the middle of a session or it's the summer recess and we're not taking registrations at the moment. We run each of our programmes three times each year. The Couch to 5k and the Reboot programme are provided in the autumn, winter and spring. The 10k programme takes place winter, spring and summer.

The exact date when registrations will open for the next intake is shown on the page for your selected activity. Check back here then, when you'll be able to sign up.


The Couch to 5k programme is suitable for almost everyone, irrespective of their history. However, there is a basic requirement that you can walk briskly for at least 30 minutes without pain. If you can’t do that, it would be unwise to undertake the programme.

There are some medical conditions that might suggest you shoudn’t do Couch to 5K. We can’t advise you on medical matters but, if you have a medical condition, our "health check" page provides links to the "NHS Options" web site where you can get more information.

If you can walk pain-free and don’t have an existing condition that could stop your participation, then you’re probably fit enough to handle the programme. So let’s get you registered - it shouldn’t take more than five minutes

What We Need To Know

PAGE 1 - How Ready You Are. Making us aware of your health history helps us make sure you can take part in our sessions safely. Your details will only be available to our run leaders and, should the need arise, to the emergency services.

PAGE 2 - Your personal information.  Who you are and how we can get in touch with you.

PAGE 3 - Some options regarding your membership.

PAGE 4 - Emergency contact. We don’t expect anything to go wrong. But, if it does, we need to know who we should contact.